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台灣台北, Taipei Taiwan


05   /   20   /   2023

業主 : 甲桂林 

性質 : 真實建築/四葉建築、睦月建案A1戶型樣品屋

面積 : 室內實坪約18坪

Type : Residential

Area : about 60m2 indoor




我想要有一個大更衣室 ….. 這樣可以容易呈列、展示及選配

我想要有一張大的床鋪 ….. 這樣可以任意滾動、舒服的睡覺

我想要有一張大的桌面 ….. 這樣可以隨時掌握、處理事務



想像一個理性、冷靜、果斷、愛好自由、享受獨立,都會菁英階層生活的面貌與風格 ….. 本案捨棄制式兩房配置,在空間配置上,順應建築平面的佈局,但跳脫制式框架;在空間打開後,藉由中間更衣室量體及軌道門的置入,及將客浴調整為半套、加大餐區/工作區,來塑造出一個空間界定清楚、分配均衡、機能與使用彈性、可移可停、空間流動 (回字型動線),感受自由的居所。




the space with sharp and precise character


I desire to have a spacious dressing room ….. This would make it easy to arrange, display, and select clothing.

I wish to have a large bed ….. To freely roll around and sleep comfortably.

I need a big desk ….. to stay in control and handle tasks at any time.

I also want a living space where I can wander freely, unrestricted by boundaries.


Imagine a calm, decisive, accurate, sharp, freedom-loving, and independent urban elite lifestyle ….. In this project, while maintaining the layout of the architectural plan, but break away from traditional frameworks, we've departed from the conventional two-bedroom layout which is always with rooms at the end of circulation. Upon opening up the space, with the installation of a central dressing area and sliding doors, as well as transforming the guest bathroom into a half-bath to expand the dining/work area, this creates a space with clear definitions, balanced distribution, functional flexibility, freedom of use, wander freely, and a fluid layout (a looped circulation), allowing one to feel a sense of liberation in their dwelling.


On the other hand, the overall materials and color predominantly feature white, gray, and metallic tones, complemented by warm light-colored wooden flooring and an array of exquisite furniture. Additionally appropriate and layered lighting and corresponding details also have been considered in design. On the whole, we aim to create a clean, tide, liberating, comfortable, and high-quality living space that accurately reflects the qualities of urban elites.

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